Admission open 2024-25

Kulur – Kavoor Rd, Vidya Nagar, Mangaluru – 575013

Admission Enquiries:

Academic Communication:

Kavoor Rd, Vidya Nagar,
Mangaluru – 575013

Anti-Ragging Committee

Ragging does not break the ice, it breaks lives, careers and families The Institution has taken up measures to curb Ragging in the premises. At the commencement of the academic session a meeting is held along with Anti-ragging Committee members on the measures to be taken to prevent ragging in the institution. Big posters on laws, punishment are displayed on all notice boards of all departments, hostels and other buildings as well as at vulnerable places. The Anti-ragging Squad members carry out rounds at odd hours to monitor any incidents of ragging and punish those found guilty without fear or favor.

Anti-Ragging Committee Members

Enquiry Form