Admission open 2024-25

Kulur – Kavoor Rd, Vidya Nagar, Mangaluru – 575013

Admission Enquiries:

Academic Communication:

Kavoor Rd, Vidya Nagar,
Mangaluru – 575013

Programmed Learning Outcomes

After the completion of B.Ed. program, the student teachers will be able to-

  • Develop positive attitude towards teaching profession and progressive changes in the field of teaching
  • Inspire academic community with good professional ethics and human values
  • Describe principles, theories and terminologies used in teaching learning process
  • Use ICT for effective teaching learning process
  • Empower in content and pedagogy of teaching subjects
  • Develop teaching competency through internship programme
  • Use different methods, strategies of teaching based on the requirement of curriculum
  • Use different tools and techniques to evaluate teaching learning process
  • Undertake action research and investigatory project in various fields of education
  • Apply theory in classroom teaching and in the practical activities involving students, parents and the community
  • Identify and arrange learning materials for children with disabilities
  • Recognize individual needs of the children and creating teaching and learning situations based on individual needs
  • Develop skills to identify and foster creative talent in children
  • Expertize in various professional tasks such as teaching, evaluating , curriculum development , preparation of teaching aids etc.

Course Learning Outcomes

The Programmed Learning outcomes are achieved through the following curricular areas:

  1. Perspectives in Education
  2. Curriculum and pedagogic studies
  3. Engagement with the field

Curricular area I : Perspectives in Education

This curricular areas includes the following courses:

Course 1.1 : Childhood and Adolescence

The student teacher will be able to-

  1. Explain the process of development focusing on infancy, childhood and adolescence
  2. Understand the theoretical approaches to development
  3. Analyze different factors influencing child development
  4. Understand the emerging roles and responsibilities of self and community
  5. Comprehend adolescence as a period of transition and threshold of adulthood

Course 1. 2 : Philosophical and sociological bases of Education

The student teacher will be able to –

  1. Develop understanding about the relationship between Philosophy and Education
  2. Develop understanding about the relationship between Sociology and Education
  3. Appreciate the educational contributions of different Schools of Philosophy and Philosophers
  4. Respect constitutional provisions regarding education

Course 1.3 : Educational Technology

The students will be able to-

  1. Understand the concept, scope and approaches of Educational Technology
  2. Understand the use of different media in Education
  3. Design, develop and use learning materials using different media in Education
  4. Integrate ICT into teaching learning, administration and evaluation
  5. Understand the application of different e- learning tools and web services

Course 2.1: Learning and Teaching Process

The students will be able to-

  1. Comprehend the theories of learning and intelligence and their applications for teaching children
  2. Analyze the scope and role of assessment in teaching process
  3. Understands the role of the teacher in continuous and comprehensive evaluation

Course 2.2 : Education Evaluation

The student teacher will be able to-

  1. Understand the concept, characteristics of evaluation, assessment and measurement
  2. Understands and apply Revised Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives in framing objectives for teaching
  3. Apply different tools and techniques of evaluation in teaching learning process
  4. Understand and apply the basic concepts of statistics in education

Course 2.3 : Pedagogic tools, techniques and approaches

The student teacher will be able to-

  1. Understand Pedagogy and incorporate effective pedagogical approaches to teaching
  2. Applies different strategies, methods and approaches of teaching- learning process in classroom teaching during practice teaching.
  3. Adopts resources of teaching such as print material, E- resources, community resources and learning packages for effective teaching

Course 3.1: Inclusive Education

The student teacher will be able to-

  1. Understand the concept, need, objectives and scope of inclusive education
  2. Critically analyze the needs, problems, causes and educational provisions meant for differently abled children
  3. Interpret the policies and procedures for inclusive education
  4. Critically review issues and challenges in inclusive education

Course 3.2 :Knowledge and Curriculum

The student teacher will be able to-

  1. Understand epistemological bases of education
  2. Understand the concept and importance of child centered education with reference to different philosophers
  3. Understand concept, bases, various interpretation of curriculum, steps and process of curriculum construction
  4. Understand the vision, mission in relation to curriculum and reconstruction of society

Course 3.3 : Contemporary Education in India

The student teacher will be able to-

  1. Explain the history, nature and process of philosophy of education
  2. Constitutional provisions and current issues in Indian Education system
  3. Understand the functioning of different types of schools in India
  4. Develop an understanding of the trends, issues and challenges faced by the contemporary Indian education in global context.

Course 4.1 : Gender, School and Society

 The student teacher will be able to –

  1. Understand the meaning, difference between the term gender and sex
  2. Use different pedagogical strategies to promote gender sensitization
  3. Understand the role of school in society and its related issues
  4. Understand the legal provisions for LGBT Community

Course 4.2: Educational Administration and Management

The student teacher will be able to-

  1. Understand the concept and concerns of Educational organization, administration and management at different levels of education system
  2. Understand the role of headmaster and teachers in school management : Supervision and inspection
  3. Understand the administration and management of Education at Centre and State
  4. Acquire skill in maintaining healthy Education and institutional climate

Plan creative activities of the school such as school exhibition, subject clubs, formal and informal events etc.

Curricular Area II : Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies

This curricular areas includes the following courses:

  1. Pedagogic Courses

1.4 Understanding  Discipline and Pedagogy

Language, Social Science, Science, School Subject, Mathematics

  • Languages

The students will be able to,

  1. Develop an understanding of nature and functions of a language
  2. Critically analyse the language policy and politics and their implications for teaching the language
  3. Critically examine the language curriculum of secondary schools
  4. Understand how classroom environment influences language learning
  • Social Science

The students will be able to,

  1. Understand the history of Social Science/ Science
  2. Understand the status of social science / Science at secondary school level
  3. Critically review social science / Science textbooks from class 6th to 10th


  • Mathematics

The students will be able to,

  1. Understand the concept and structure of Mathematics
  2. Evolution of axioms, postulates and different types of proofs in mathematics
  3. Apply mathematical concepts into daily life


  • Commerce

The students will be able to,

  1. Understand the nature of commerce
  2. Understand the place of commerce education in society and the political role that it can play in developing commercially conscientious citizens
  • Understanding disciplines and school subjects

The students will be able to,

  1. understand the concept and classification of academic disciplines
  2. appreciate the different academic disciplines and their place in the school curriculum
  3. apply the understanding of academic disciplines in curriculum transaction

2.4 subject Specific Pedagogy :

Kannada, English , Hindi, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Commerce

  • Subject specific pedagogy – kannada

The students will be able to,

  1. understand the different skills of language
  2. understand the role of kannada teacher in teaching learning process
  3. applies different tools and techniques in teaching learning process
  • Subject specific peadagogy – English

The students will be able to,

  1. Develops concerns for facilitating listening, speaking, reading and writing skills among the learners
  2. Learn responsibilities of English teacher in school
  3. Use appropriate strategies for evaluating and providing feedback to language learning


  • Advanced Pedagogy :

Kannada, English, Hindi, Physics, Chemistry, Social Science, Mathematics, Biology and Commerce

These courses will enable the student teachers to ,

  1. Understand the concept of Advanced pedagogy with reference to facilitating learning in their respective pedagogies
  2. Learn to make learning experiential by using TLM, activities, experiments, projects and hands on training
  3. Develop learning modules and diagnostic test
  4. Use differential strategies for facilitating learning in an inclusive classroom
  1. Optional Courses

3.4.2: Value Education

The student teacher will be able to-

  1. Understand concept, significance and types of value
  2. Role of social agencies in value education
  3. Different approaches of value education in secondary schools
  4. Role of teacher in imparting values in school

              3.4.3: Health and Physical Education

               The student teacher will be able to-

  1. develops awareness about health and physical education
  2. understand the factors responsible for healthful living
  3. aware of common symptoms, mode of transmission and prevention of communicable diseases
  4. develop the skills of organizing sports, games and other physical education activities

Curricular area III : Engagement with the field

  1. Task and assignment throughout the courses

1.6. Language across the curriculum

The student teacher will be able to-

  1. develop ability to use language in an explicit and differentiated manner
  2. understand the centrality of language in the curriculum

1.7 Psycho – social tools and techniques

     The student teacher will be able to-

  • Introduce with different psycho-social tools
  • Administer psychological test to students
  • Conduct case study and provide sufficient remedial measures

1.8.Microteaching and integration

The student teacher will be able to-

  • To master different skills involved in teaching
  • Prepare integrated lesson by using microteaching skills
  • Develop skill of observation and feedback mechanism


  • School lessons and Reflection Diary

The student teacher will be able to-

  • Prepare lessons to supplement for their class
  • Reflect on their day to day school work
  • Develop skill of observation and reflection


  • Research Project

The student teacher will be able to-

  • Understand the research process and steps involved in it
  • Undertake research in school based on academic problems
  • Take research project in the field of education

2.7 Field Assignments

The student teacher will be able to-

  • Develop and administer unit plan, test items, unit test, diagnostic and remedial measures


  1. Enhancing Professional Competencies

1.5 ICT – Basic Competencies

3.5 ICT Application

3.7 Simulated ICT Based lessons

The student teacher will be able to-

  • Understand the meaning, importance and tools of ICT
  • application of computer in the field of education
  • apply theoretical knowledge into practical work by doing different activities


  • Drama and Art in Education

The student teacher will be able to-

  • Integrate drama and art in the school curriculum
  • Understand social and environmental issues through drama and art
  • Enable learners to develop their aesthetic sensibilities

3.8. Understanding Self, Personality and Yoga

The student teacher will be able to-

  • Understand history and development of yoga in India
  • Integrate the practice of yoga and its Asana for better self-concept and esteem personality


  • Reading and Reflection

The student teacher will be able to-

  • Exhibit their understanding of a text reading in a oral or written form
  • Become independent learner through reading and reflection
  • Read text available in digital forms by making use of various gadgets

   III. School Internship

 2.8 Block teaching and Field Work

The student teacher will be able to-

  • Develop skill of execution of planned lessons in secondary school
  • Prepare and execute various teaching aids in class
  • Develop good communication skill and competency in teaching

4.5.Field work and Immersion

The student teacher will be able to-

  • Involve them completely in the school as a regular teacher
  • Prepare them to conduct activities and programmes in schools
  • Understand the functioning of residential schools and B.EO office/ DIET office

Enquiry Form